listening to the wisdom of water

Listening is an art.

One that I have been learning to do with more precision, presence, and honesty. It is a practice that always invites in more refinement, and as a Priestess, one of the ways that I have been practicing this art is through Listening to the Wisdom of Water.

Water has been (and forever will be) such a fruitful teacher.
Watching how it moves, flows, bubbles, and churns.
The dynamicism that water encompasses is vast.

Sometimes water provides depth and clarity, creating direction and knowing that comes deep from within to show me which direction to flow. Other times water can be murky, clouded, or even come in stormy waves, knocking me off my center, leaving me unsure of where to step.

On carefree days, water might flow and meander, welcoming my curiosity and daydreaming to carry me along. Or even provide nourishing refreshment as it soothes my skin, insides, and being from the heat of life.

And the more I listen to it, the more I hear the honest imprint of it.
The honest imprint of my truth and direction.

What do I mean by
Listening Honestly?

Listening to what is honest and real.
Listening to what is before me,
being shared with me,
and through me,
so I can honor the truth of what it IS,
and not what I want it to be.

There is a humility that comes in when we practice listening to what is truly before us. It calls on Surrender. Trust. And Devotion to honor your true Self.

So, why am I talking about Honest Listening, or listening at all?

Because in life, Waters carry us in unexpected directions.

And I have been surrendering to the unknown, shifting, and listening to what is truly bubbling to the surface to allow myself to flow into new waters that hold such deep beauty.

Shifting and Flowing

Intimacy and Empowerment Coaching

Over the last 9 years, I’ve been serving as a business consultant, mentor, personal coach, Priestess, and guide. One thing that I have distilled again and again in every aspect of my work and life is, everything is relational.


And, how intimate and vulnerable we can be in our relationships ultimately gauge how much connection and belonging we feel. 

If you’re following me on social media you may have seen that one shift I’m following in my work is that I’m currently enrolled in The Embody Lab’s Embodied Intimacy and Relationship Coaching Certificate program. Oh. My. Goddess! How these waters have been FLOWING! It feels like a dam within myself has been released saying YES, this is where I’m meant to be. 

As an Intimacy and Empowerment Coach, I welcome the full spectrum of what intimacy means. I invite us to begin by looking inward at our own SELF so we can witness, love, and integrate ourselves whole.

I invite in somatic practices and skills, permission granting, curiosity and compassion to support you on your journey to deeper sovereign truths, self-love, and wholeness. 

May this support you on your journey, inviting in more self-love, compassion, guidance, and support.

Some Other Exciting Shifts Happening

The upcoming retreats and pilgrimages that I’ve been sharing about have been shifting too!
And oh, how beautiful these shifts are…

Upleveling your Radiance is shifting to a VIRTUAL MONTH LONG RETREAT! (Details to come soon)

Magdalene Pilgrimage will be shifting to the brilliant Jessica Rosemarie Ricchetti and her Beloved Michael Morel, where they will hold and guide you into deeper connection with Magdalene and Christ Energy through the South of France in September 2024.

And, I will be solo facilitating Magdalene Mysteries and shifting the location to Asheville, NC.

However, what is staying the same (for now… 😉) are my monthly in-person gatherings and events in Asheville, NC

I feel alive, excited, and grateful

Listening to what is true and real can be an act of surrender, and it can feel enlivening, soul awakening, and so deeply aligned.

I feel alive, excited, and deeply grateful for the practice of listening to the honest truth of what is here, now, and truly before me. I am deeper in love with life and my community, and truly honored to share my path of unfolding with you.

May you grant yourself permission to follow the flow of your heart, listen to your honest truth, and show up as your full, whole, beautiful Self.


speaking of travel…